It has been a year. And at times it has been a seriously challenging year. I have gotten into the habit of looking back and summarizing it so here we go.
JANUARY. I set my home as a priority. I had my first piece of MaggieGrace work published.
FEBRUARY. Teenage conversations abound - I am really glad I recorded this one. I met with some friends - (added note Rosalyn-Sue 's wonderful husband has been deployed to the middle east for a year. please pray for them all.) I even hosted my own playdate with some friends.
MARCH - I created Majesty. One of my favorite pieces ever. Then there was this little kidney stone speed bump.
APRIL - Well this was a challenging month. Seems that little kidney stone speed bump from last month became a full blown road block in what now is called the Kidney Cancer Vacation - the entire second half of April posts cover that little trek.
MAY - I celebrated with other survivors. College Girl took off for Spain.
JUNE - Close to normal life was back. But my very first serious bout of adrenal fatigue was worthy of commentary. And there was a quick trip to the beach.
JULY - we started the room redo for the softball princess. I cannot believe that my baby is an upcoming senior.
AUGUST - wow - as I scrolled through those posts - life was almost normal. Now that is worth celebrating. I was however released by the docs to resume bootcamp seriously.
SEPTEMBER - I sent 100 affirmations and finished a long put off project. Softball Princess started her Senior year of high school. And I finished my own Prayer Blanket.
OCTOBER - 25th Wedding Anniversary. Big Deal. WOW.
NOVEMBER - A huge month of serious thanksgiving. And while it was sad, the end of the hugh school softball season was very worthy of celebrating.
DECEMBER - I never found my missing Baby Jesus. But Christmas 2010 was the best one ever. Why, because I was given a major gift this year. I was given my health. I have been blessed beyond measure by friends, by family, by coworkers, by health care providers. I never found that small representative figurine of the Christ Child, but what I did find in my faith was bigger and better than that. And because MaryAnn picked the word GRACE for the month, I can also say that I found and focused on just how much Grace I have been given and how often I have been stingy in returning that grace. Maybe the real findings of this Christmas and this year were that giving and taking blessings and prayers and grace and forgivness are really what my faith walk is and should be about.
So now - I am picking and posting our word for January -- I'm choosing BEAUTY. (BEAUTIFUL)
I'm also choosing my focus word for the year 2011 - that word will be ABUNDANCE.
More on that in the next few days.
Happily Today -- Blessed Today - sending those good wishes to you today.
LOVE ---- t